
06-14-22_3-21-43 PM

Look at these two cuties.  I can’t remember ever having Dina’s genes in a legacy before so I’m looking forward to their pretty babies because Levi’s face is pretty…pretty.  I somehow always get the generic pretty man faces when creating new sims.  I never alter their actual genes, only their clothes and hair styles and stuff.

06-16-22_5-57-07 PM


Their first kiss!!!

His very large shed is working perfectly as a house, but Dina is frequently asking him when he’s going to have a real bathroom.

She’s so needy.

06-17-22_4-56-30 PM

Welcome to Adulthood, Levi!

Y’all know what that means.

06-16-22_6-55-19 PM

It’s baby time.

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